CABERNET 2014 / HOMBRE Final Conference


Tailored & Sustainable Redevelopment toward Zero Brownfields


4th International Conference on Managing Urban Land


Final Conference of the EU FP7 Project “HOMBRE”
In Cooperation with the EU FP7 Projects “GLOCOM”, “GREENLAND” and “TIMBRE”

PROCEEDINGS of the CABERNET 2014 conference


Tuesday, 14th October 2014


Hans van Duijne, Deltares, The Netherlands
Paul Nathanail, University of Nottingham, UK


Key note lecture

Integrated urban policies and land management
Didier Vancutsem, URBACT, EU



first session


Policy approaches to brownfield regeneration challenges


Value creation by connecting societal challenges with land management
Margot de Cleen, Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment, The Netherlands

Tradable planning permits for land use control – A Policy approach for less greenfield development and more brownfield regeneration?
Detlef Grimski, Federal Environment Agency, Germany


The EU Guidelines on Environmental and Energy State aid for 2014-2020 and the Remediation of Contaminated
Joachim Sanden, Ministry of Urban Development and Environment of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg, Germany


Solutions to bring state-of-the-art knowledge and information into application


Brownfield regeneration in a circular economy
Jaap Tuinstra, Soil Protection Technical Committee, The Netherlands


The Brownfield Navigator
Linda Maring, Deltares, The Netherlands


Timbre Information System for the provision of tailored and customized information on brownfield regeneration according to users´reqirements
Lisa Pizzol, University Ca´Foscari Venice, Italy


Approaches to regeneration and evaluation of their sustainability


Conceptual site or project models for sustainability assessment and overall value
Pierre Menger, Tecnalia, Spain


Biomass production on brownfields
Karl Eckert, Projektgruppe Stadt + Entwicklung, Germany



second session


Gentle soil remediaton options


Phytoremediation of trace element –contaminated soils in Europe – option appraisal based on longterm field experiments
Markus Puschenreiter, University of Natural Resources an Life Science Vienna, Austria


Gentle Remediation Options for the management of largescale contaminated agricultural sites in Saxony, Germany
Silke Neu, Saxon State Office for Environment, Agriculture and Geology, Germany


Microbial community structure and activity in trace element- contaminated soils (phyto)managed by Gentle Remediation Options (GRO)
Maria Touceda-González, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Austria


Field demonstrations of Gentle (Phyto)Remediation Options in the EU FP7 GREENLAND network of trace element –contaminated sites
Michel Mench, INRA – University of Bordeaux, France

Deployment of aided phytostabilisation at field scale: set up and monitoring lessons
Valérie Bert, INERIS, France


Processing of plant biomass harvested at trace element-contaminated site managed by gentle (phyto)remediation options
Valérie Bert, INERIS, France


Developing a practical decision support tool (DST) for the application of gentle remediation options
Andrew Cundy, University of Brighton, UK


Testing novel combinations of amendments for stabilization of metals in heavily contaminated soils
Grzegorz Siebielec, Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation (IUNG), Poland


Wednesday, 15th October 2014

Key note lecture

Soil Remediaton and Land Management – a Win-Win Situation
Harald Burmeier, ITVA/Germany



first session


Decision support tools on technologies for land revitalization

Tool-assisted design and comparative evaluation of sustainable land use alternatives for brownfield redevelopment
Michael Finkel, University of Tuebingen, Germany


Soft re-use of Brownfields: decision support and opportunity matrix?
Victor Beumer, Deltares, The Netherlands


GIS-based Identifcaton of Infill Development Potentials on the Basis of Topographic and Cadastral Databases – Prospects and Limits
Robert Hecht, Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development, Germany


Emerging strategies and technologies for effective remediation

HOMBRE technology trains: smoothering the transition of brownfields to new uses?
Martijn Smit, Wageningen University, the Netherlands


Technology train for reusing excavated material in a Brownfield regeneration context
Renato Baciocchi, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, Italy


Integrated strategies for Brownfield regeneration: treatment of subsoil and alkaline ressidues by the combined Ecogrout-carbonation process
Wouter van der Star, Deltares, The Netherlands


In situ remediaton of Pb/Zn mining and processing impacted sites
Wolfgang Friesl-Hanl, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Austria


A Novel Remediation Approach for POPs Contaminated Solids Using Carbonaceous Materials
Long Zhao, Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences, China


Tools and technologies to foster land revitalization

Persistent organic pollutants in agricultural soil and prevention of leakage to the surroundings
Lisa Lundin, Umea University, Sweden


Biochars and Green Waste Compost for the Immobilisation of Cu in Contaminated Soil - HOMBRE /Greenland Joint Project
Sarah Jones, r3 environmental technology ltd, UK


How to engage towards an effective and sustainable redevelopment of large and complex brownfield sites
Elsa Limasset, BRGM, France



Key note lecture

A Local Perspective On Unlocking Innovative Transatlantic Cooperation
Dale Medearis, Northern Virgina Regional Commission / USA


second session


Brownfields ahead? – Early Brownfield Indicators


Early Warning indicators brownfield regeneration: tipping points ahead?
Gerald Jan Ellen, Deltares, The Netherlands


Use of social and economic idnicators for the selection of sustainable site remediation options?
Valérie Cappuyns, KU Leuven, Belgium


Towards the anticipation of brownfield emergence?
Elsa Limasset, BRGM, France


Real word challenges and pilot cases for brownfield regeneration

Solec Kujawski (Poland) – HOMBRE philosophy around local brownfield regeneration project
Wojciech Irminski, Geo-Logik, Poland


The brownfield city: Famagusta, Cyprus
Paul Nathanail, University of Nottingham, UK


Assessing the socio-economic benefits of turning brownfields into green/blue spaces: a case study for Eindhoven and Copenhagen
Peter Cornelis Roebeling, CESAM – Department of Environment and Planning, University of Aveiro, Portugal


Prioritization and communication approaches

Specifics of brownfields prioritization in large municipalities (case study area Brno)
Petr Klusácek, Instiute of Geonics, Czech Republic


Communication-Based Approach to improvement of Old Industrial and Commercial Areas
Anja Batke, Beate Huf, Regionalverband FrankfurtRheinMain, Germany


Sustainable urban land management

Urban planning and design with the subsoil system
Fransje Hooimeijer, TU Delft, The Netherlands


Brownfields and Gap Sites as Potential for Sustainable Urban Development – A Survey of German Cities and Towns
Andreas Blum, Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development, Germany


Efficient Organisational Structures for the Management of Land Resources
Uwe Ferber, Projektgruppe Stadt + Entwicklung, Germany


Thursday, 16th October 2014

Key note lecture

Re-use of land: possibilities, decision making and stakeholders
Paul Bardos, r3 environmental technology ltd./UK



first session


Tools and methods for decision making and awareness raising


The HOMBRE BR2 tool for understanding urban systems
Matthew Ashmore, University of Nottingham, UK


Acting Sustainably: Redevelopment Scenarios for Borovo (Vukovar, Croatia)
Irena Dokic, The Instiute of Economics, Croatia


Awareness raising for soil and necessarily for Remediation within the GREENLAND project
Wolfgang Friesl-Hanl, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Austria


Best practice – lessons learnt


BALANCE 4P: Integrating urban planning and the remediation sector for sustainable brownfield regeneration – experience from cases
Jenny Norrman, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden


Brownfield redevelopment in Flanders: 5 years of transversal policy and integrated area development
Koen Miseur, Enterprise Flanders, Belgium


20 Years of Remediation of Inhabited Contaminated Sites in Hesse-Lessons Learned
Christian Weingran, HIM GmbH, Germany


Feasibility of phytoextraction with improved tobacco and sunflower for the remediation of soluble zinc top soil contamination  - Results of a five and one year field scale experiment in Switzerland
Rolf Herzig, Phytotech Foundation & AGB, Switzerland;
Michel Mench, INRA, France





SoilBizz – A project idea for regional and local authorities to have contaminated industrial area regenerated


Land information services for  sustainable cities
Project URBIS (


Towards Urban Land management 2065 – key take home messages and next steps
Hans von Duijne, Deltares, The Netherlands
Paul Nathanail, University of Nottingham, UK